I have always tinkered in game development, mostly in the OpenGL platform, now a days I am working on creating an arena style pvp game based on the UNREAL engine SDK. Using the OPEN SOURCE projects on SOURCEFORGE my goal is to create a game that will port in various user inputs (gesture control, headtracking, haptic feedback, etc) into a hand to hand & melee weapon style arena multi-player game. The long term goal would be to take the work done on this arena game, and plant the functions into a MMO "sandbox" style world.
Currently I have been writing and tweaking UI mod packs (XML, Flash, and Scaleform) for a poplar game called World of Tanks. In the past I have mod'd or writin scripts for Half-Life2, Counterstrike (pre-source), Unreal, and Mortal Online.
This project was funded by Andy Sanchez and his goal was to make a semi mobile automated Sentry Paintball Marker. Using an ARDUINO board, rc car servos, a webcam, rf transmitter and a net-book the finished project was able to be setup on site and automatically select targets and dispense shots of paintballs at targets moving with-in its 100' range. The system is a mix of RF, IR, and C++ to implement target tracking using webcam filters, we started using some open source software, but that was limited and custom API was made to get our desired results.
Using a Phiget servo control board, c++ / FLASH and a laptop I was able to make a PAN and TILT tank turret that had a LIVE FEED from the device. It can be controlled using an Xbox controller and any laptop/phone, or even wireless VR glasses. The USER could toggle the guns safety, fire 2 Smart Parts Ions, turn 280 degrees, and zoom in and out of the web camera in 720p. Full control can be done from within the tank via a usb connection into the Phidget or remotely using the networks wireless signal from any device.\
Andy was at it again this time he wanted to build an Unmanned Paintball Vehicle. Using a power wheels as a platform and a radio controlled RF signal. He turned this kids toy into a 1/4 mile roaming paintball vehicle able to send live video and shoot targets while driving. Later revisions yielded much fun outputting the video to VR glasses.